Enamel is the outer cover which covers the teeth and the protective shield that protected and defended. Although the enamel has great strength, but it can not protect teeth from everything The weakness of this class may make teeth prone to many problems Kaltsus and yellowing. In addition to causing damage to the enamel itself, to see how?

Foods harm the enamel of teeth

Enamel limestone layer is a very solid layer which is responsible for the teeth to protect, the latter contains a lot of rich minerals, but despite its power and richness are not anti-break, and even in some cases be susceptible to corrosion and damage all as a result of eating certain foods and drinks and the adoption of some wrong habits . Here's a list of them:

Soft Drinks: Soft drinks occupies first place on the list of foods that are harmful to tooth enamel and teeth, it also has a soda that weaken tooth due to acidic contents Calfsforak and citric and malic Altertarik.

Fruit juices: especially acidic liquids such as apple, pineapple, lemon, raspberry and at the same time you should not stop taking them because they contain a lot of vitamins as well as antioxidants but moderately should be addressed and passed it to her, along with meals.

Candy: cause many kinds of sweets damage tooth enamel especially those that contain a lot of sticky material, especially material caramel that are not a significant negative effect on tooth enamel Vtturk which pits large, causing great damage.

Vinegar: Despite the many benefits, and he was in a lot of foods such as authorities, pickles, potato chips is harmful foods tooth enamel and increase the damage the greater the frequency of use. Therefore, it is granulated mouth rinse and wash the teeth after taking the diet teeth.

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