Do you suffer from excess hair and unwanted in many parts of yourselves? If you feel intense pain when hair removal by conventional methods especially when disposing of delicate hair and soft of your body you now hair removal for laser technology method This method has its advantages also have disadvantages Today we will talk about the dangers of hair removal using laser technology.


Damages to use lasers to remove unwanted hair

The hair removal, the human body and his face is his positives, but not without the latter from the negatives and damage involved in the therapy and lasers, including:


The use of lasers to remove excess hair may lead to burns on the skin and in some cases that are treated so as it contains a laser beam from the high heat used to burn excess hair, which may also cause burning of the skin during the removal process and increase the likelihood of burns skin when using the laser on the skin dark and that's where it absorbs the laser beams with great ease; whereas most cases of burns that are reported minor burns may be, but it has been reported cases of serious burns.


In some cases it may preclude the use of lasers without the production of melanin in the foundation as a result of the absorption of laser light which leads to pigment loss and thus lighten the skin to become its usual color. In some times the skin turns red for a few days after laser treatment is also likely occurrence of swelling around the pores after treatment. In addition, exposure to the laser for eye injuries may result Therefore it is very necessary to protect them during treatment. Moreover, itchy skin, one of the usual side effects of laser hair removal during and after treatment.

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