A lot of people wonder about the natural rate of sugar in the blood, so they can compare with the result that they receive when they measure the level of sugar in their blood by competent machine so. What must you to know that the first measurement is associated with increased glucose in the blood, which is responsible for regulating the body's metabolism, and travels through the blood to the body through the whole shall be its main power source. So the body need to sugars that play a key role in maintaining the work of its members, but the requirement to remain within a specified rate.

Measuring the level of sugar in the blood
Should blood glucose be about 90 mg / 100 ml, if exceeded this limit under surveillance for a period of time a person is infected with diabetes. They can also decrease the level of sugar that is also a sign of the disease low blood sugar. And stress the time period and observation, because the rate of glucose in the blood can rise and fall sometimes without be linked to diabetes, for example, the ratio goes down during the morning before having breakfast as more than when eating sweets or any dish rich in sugars or even fruit.
Therefore, the patient with diabetes is that records had for a while is normal rates to the level of glucose in the blood, as there will be other symptoms can be observed such as the increase in urination and lack of appetite or increased, as well as nausea and lethargy down to coma in some cases. So do not worry if you have a glucose level lower or higher than normal, it is not inevitable sign of diabetes, but if you have noticed a repeat of the same measurement is best to consult a specialist.

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