The load of more events with joy for most women but may be associated in most cases with many physical changes in a woman's body. Most women recognize that they carriers with the appearance of the first symptoms of pregnancy them from fatigue, dizziness and mood swings, nausea and vomiting.

The nausea from more signs that appear when women are diagnosed and the beginning of the pregnancy, where under 80% of pregnant women for nausea of pregnancy during the first three months. And called the nausea of pregnant women have morning sickness if at its peak but may feel the rest of today's times.
Causes nausea
Nausea indicates that pregnancy hormones are high enough to maintain the pregnancy. Also, women who suffer from nausea pregnancy less likely to miscarriage than those who do not suffer from it. Not yet a specific reason for the nausea of pregnancy is known, but believed to be related to pregnancy hormones and estrogen. Thyroid hormone also plays a role.
Do nausea pregnancy affects the fetus?
No Totarma the nausea of pregnancy on the health of the fetus as long as you can keep some of Ms. food in her stomach and Otcherb an adequate amount of fluids. But if accompanied by nausea with severe and persistent vomiting should see a doctor. It is noteworthy that the fetus can compensate lacks nutrients from the body of his mother, the liver Akhozm most necessary for the growth of the fetus basic materials.
How to cope with nausea
That many of the steps can be followed and help women to cope with the nausea of pregnancy that usually begins around the sixth week of pregnancy and improve between weeks 14 and 16 of pregnancy. When some women nausea lasts until the 20th week of pregnancy, or even throughout the period of Ahamlk. One of these tips:
- Eat balanced meals and if nausea was not strong Trgma yourself on food.
- Breakfast in bed before getting out of your situation improves greatly reduces how you feel nauseous throughout the day. The walk to the free food the stomach may stimulate nausea and vomiting.
- Eating salty foods because it helps curb nausea, they also trap a little water in the body, which keeps the body hydrated. Should not be excessive intake of Almmlhat because it may cause health problems for pregnant women, such as high blood pressure.
- Take pregnancy vitamins before going to sleep. In a lot of cases, these vitamins be the cause of the nausea. Ptnaouliha advised before going to sleep to alleviate the impact during daylight hours.
- Busy to talk through eating distracting pregnant for nausea.
- Eat plenty of protein such as eggs with a glass of lemonade.
- Eat chicken soup, it helps to overcome nausea or vomiting desire.
- Inhaling lemon peel


some advices
Pregnant women are advised To compensate for the lack of nutrition as a result of nausea, vomiting eat folic acid tablets, which is an essential nutrient in the first trimester. Folic acid contributes to the growth and development of the fetal nervous system and spine and reduces the likelihood of birth defects. Pregnant also advised to take vitamin D tablets that help the fetal bones and teeth growth.

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